Tuesday 30 July 2019

Dreamus Interruptus

Last night, I enjoyed a nice little text conversation with someone who apparently has lusted after me for a number of years. He made a remark, and my response was “WTF! Why didn’t you ever tell me?_ Kimi:Should she really of waited till she was married to do the do doo.(29 July 2019) Kimi:Or should she stay [...]

So in a couple years, I want to adopt a kid.
(28 July 2019)

In my High School I was tall and very pretty girl.The prettiest.There was a short slutty girl whk was not pretty.The boys said she was the?
(28 July 2019)

Should I go to his work and try and try and get his colleagues to be his friends?
(28 July 2019)

Should I get him to see a therapist or just try and make him more talkative myself?
(28 July 2019)

But I say they need to do more, they need to be more involved in his life.
(28 July 2019)

I even tried to get his parents involved and told them to make him open up about his feelings but they said he is an adult and can live how he pleases and that he talks to them all the time, they even have Sunday dinners together every week.
(28 July 2019)

Is it ok to tell children about santa claus?
(28 July 2019)

My ex boyfriend is using a picture of him with my dead dog on a dating app, do I have the right to be hurt?
(28 July 2019)

Should I say something or just move on?
(28 July 2019)

I feel really hurt that he is using this picture.
(28 July 2019)

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