Monday 29 July 2019

Fasting Lab

Hey folks. I had to do a fasting lab yesterday. And it was serious. They….they…This is so hard to say….They wouldn’t let me drink coffee before it. I mean fucking REALLY? Right after the lab I h_ Belen:I have always had a good work.ethic, i take care of myself but I have been put aside on [...]

After having this conversation with countless people and getting mostly the same responses (due to where I live) I was wondering what a mostly anonymous, faceless database would have to say.
(26 July 2019)

Uhh why is everyone so toxic on here?
(26 July 2019)

Is Bette Midler as crazy as Donald Trump?
(26 July 2019)

My parents won't let me do anything and I don't know what to do?
(26 July 2019)

She just screams in my face and locks me in my room.
(26 July 2019)

She doesn't let me talk when I try to convince her to let me go to school.
(26 July 2019)

I can't convince my mom of anything, I've tried.
(26 July 2019)

I want to have friends and a job.
(26 July 2019)

I don't want to kill myself, I want to live a happy life and go outside.
(26 July 2019)

All I do is sit around all day and clean lately.
(26 July 2019)

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