Wednesday 3 July 2019

New Years BANG!

I had gotten a call from my lady friend who is my FWB, and she ask me if I was doing anything New Years evening. I didn’t have any plans to go anywhere except stay home and play video games, ring in t_ Trish:It’s a conversation we’ve had countless times now and I’ve told him I’m [...]

Im going alone and soooo nervous?
(30 June 2019)

Now the thing is, i have the money and everything ready.
(30 June 2019)

I have decided this year to do surgery BBL, its what i want and need.. so after thorough research i found a good place in turkey.
(30 June 2019)

Hey guys so for alllllll my life one of my dreams is to opt in for surgery on my body since i am very insecure about it.
(30 June 2019)

Do you feel like a loser sometimes?
(30 June 2019)

Please tell me I'm not the only one who feels this way, I need some help and advice.
(30 June 2019)

I don't have friends, girls don't check me out , I'm having financial issues.
(30 June 2019)

I feel like a loser sometimes since I'm not cool with the way my life is right now.
(30 June 2019)

A girl gave me her number I called twice in 2 days she never answered is she playing me?
(30 June 2019)

Once on Friday once on Saturday?
(30 June 2019)

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