Friday 26 July 2019

Share the Fun , Be more Fun, come web camming

opinions ?_ Melodee:We have a joint birthday on the 20th.(24 July 2019) Melodee:My sister is 13 and was born on July 20th.(24 July 2019) Melodee:I am 15 and was born on July 21st.(24 July 2019) Kathe:Compatibility with my GF?(24 July 2019) Kathe:How do I bring up my questions and how long after she returns should I do it?(24 July 2019) Kathe:I [...]

My ex dumped me via text but instead of being upset that he dump me i was still being nice and i spoke to him and left on good terms.
(23 July 2019)

But the rare moment I do explode I'm looked at as a jerk.
(23 July 2019)

I usual just keep my mouth closed because I don't really like conflict.
(23 July 2019)

It takes a lot to get me mad and explode on someone.
(23 July 2019)

But I get irritated and annoyed more than I think I should.
(23 July 2019)

Very nonchalant and I hide my emotions very well.
(23 July 2019)

I'm 17 and I'm usually a laid back type of person.
(23 July 2019)

We live together, he moved in with me and I signed a lease for another year in June and we have a trip to Spain planned in a few months.
(23 July 2019)

I am just going off of youtube videos because I am constantly being blamed for things and we have had lots of arguements that go on for ever.
(23 July 2019)

I live with my boyfriend and I think hes a narcassist but not sure.
(23 July 2019)

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