Saturday 27 July 2019

the “rules”

today the new rules take effect. she handed them to me this morning. as you can see the rules are to tell me what to do. she can obviously do whatever she wants:1. Every evening you will say the follo_ Adina:But in the store where you work, we are kindly buying your products, giving you some [...]

We met in the summer and he left for college in the fall in a different state.
(24 July 2019)

I was with my boyfriend for almost a year.
(24 July 2019)

Is it normal that you can see nipples in a girl who has small breasts despite wearing a bra?
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Last weekend I saw that her bra doesnt work.
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She is my best friend girlfriend.
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She is 24 years old very nice slim blonde girl.
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What i do if my crush kissed girlfriend in front of me?
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I feel jealous, sad, and angry that my crush kissed his girlfriend in front of me.
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Is it normal to want to kill babies but not do it?
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Despite their feces, they are usually quiet and cute.
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