Friday 9 August 2019

A Few Views *Boobs*

for your Saturday…_ Hui:I am 13 and he is 14. We did it just to experiment.(2 August 2019) Hilary:Was it sex or love?(2 August 2019) Hilary:If two people like this cannot wait to take off each other’s clothes, kiss, hug, feel everything of the other person, want them to be their, want to feel the essence of the [...]

We like bnog names, but we aren't necessarily exclusive to only having those types of names, all we ask is that name suggestions aren't too girly and frilly.
(6 August 2019)

Is there a show on TV these days that doesn't place importance on romance?
(6 August 2019)

Is there a decently-received show on TV currently that isn't romance-oriented?
(6 August 2019)

This just makes me feel misunderstood about my situation because it pretty much implies that finding love is easy and people like me are losers.
(6 August 2019)

I'm in my 20s and have never even dated.
(6 August 2019)

Why she is angry and does not talk to me anymore???
(6 August 2019)

Now she just walk pass me and ignore and act angry.
(6 August 2019)

She looked very angry and frustrated.
(6 August 2019)

Second time and third time I talked to her she smiled at me but I did not smile back, she acted pissed off with me when I did not smiled back.
(6 August 2019)

One day she tried to talk up to me to talk but she stood half way and stared at me then she turned around and left.
(6 August 2019)

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