Thursday 15 August 2019

Bookworm porn

It makes me want to stand you in the middle of a room naked, and have hundreds of people write on you with feather quill pens. Each person would only get to write one word on exactly one square inch o_ Lilly:She actually does like to travel but only at her own conditions.(10 August 2019) Lilly:Even when [...]

I m going into 11th grade He is going into 7th. Is this okay?
(12 August 2019)

And I don t really want to just shut out someone that I could see something with just because of their age.
(12 August 2019)

I want to maybe ask him out or something but I m just kind of confused by the whole situation.
(12 August 2019)

I just don t know what to do about it really.
(12 August 2019)

I dont have any bad intentions with this guy.
(12 August 2019)

I like talking to this dude but I m scared of what my parents would kind of think of me.
(12 August 2019)

His WHOLE entire family think that we are dating and they really seem really okay with it.
(12 August 2019)

My friends kind of think that its weird that he is 13 and my mom isn t very keen of the idea of me talking to him because of the risks involved with his age.
(12 August 2019)

We aren t dating but he seems like a very nice guy.
(12 August 2019)

I m currently talking to a 13 year old that I met this summer, He told me that he liked me.
(12 August 2019)

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