Tuesday 13 August 2019

Camping with an International flair!

We now have another camping trip under my belt! The weather was a scorcher….sunny and 36C (96F) but we survived because of the A/C in the trailer….We did our usual walkabouts through the campgroun_ Adele:But he also forgot my birthday and we didn’t do anything when we hit a year which felt like a big thing [...]

My baby's father literally owes me $700 now.
(10 August 2019)

Epstein Commits Suicide, WHILE ON SUICIDE WATCH, Isn't it strange?
(10 August 2019)

Like I said usually guys watch porn I find it unusual that he's done this twice already..
(10 August 2019)

I was expecting him to be watching porn i don't understand why he would look on YouTube for moaning of all things.. does this mean anything or is it normal?
(10 August 2019)

I've recently seen in my bfs YouTube history that he was watching audios of moaning girl sounds only sounds?
(10 August 2019)

If I am happy in the relationship should I stay with him?
(10 August 2019)

He doesn't think he needs to see a counselor or therapist for it.
(10 August 2019)

The reason behind him not having a job is because of his social anxiety.
(10 August 2019)

However, I'm always happy when I'm with him and he has a great personality.
(10 August 2019)

Why do they want light from me?
(10 August 2019)

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