Saturday 3 August 2019

Coffee house might be a good in-between step before lunch/dinner?

A few couples have asked or offered to go to lunch or dinner.I sent this response to one couple (I hope they don’t mind me sharing it here, because I just thought it would be good to share with others_ Pamella:What does it mean if your boyfriend after your first time rests his head on your [...]

The only problem is they are really expensive and I don't like spending money like that.
(31 July 2019)

So I'm not trying to get these new headphones.
(31 July 2019)

However, i have had this pair for a while now with no problems but they are rather uncomfortable.
(31 July 2019)

My previous 2 beat headphones didn't even last a year combined.
(31 July 2019)

I am trying to get a new pair of headphones because I am currently on my 3rd pair of beats, because as you all know beats aren't exactly great quality.
(31 July 2019)

I get paid $25 an hour, and have a full scholarship at my college due to my father having served in the military.
(31 July 2019)

I will just say that I currently am a college student working a summer relief job.
(31 July 2019)

I'm not going to say the type of headphones they are, because I don't want that to factor into your answer.
(31 July 2019)

I'm still in shock and I don't know what to do...
(31 July 2019)

So that's why I have a hard time moving on.
(31 July 2019)

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