Tuesday 27 August 2019

It’s Been A Minute

I haven’t been on here.Even let my membership expire, as there were way too many fake profiles to weed through. And even then, starting up dead end conversations with people on here just talking the t_ Shera:Okay, so here s what s been going on.(25 August 2019) Janell:Name ideas for a third boy?(25 August 2019) Janell:Any good name [...]

How do I make up to my ancestors who I wronged who have now died?
(24 August 2019)

Excuse the grammar errors I am talking into my cell phone.
(24 August 2019)

Today is the 25th anniversary of a day that my mother used me as a pawn in her brainwashing which caused me to harm someone emotionally who has now died.
(24 August 2019)

When I got to be a teenager I saw my mother was wrong and made up.
(24 August 2019)

My mother alienated me from her family as a child and brainwashed me against them.
(24 August 2019)

Trying no fap. I need help?
(24 August 2019)

Also is it okay that i have sex during no fap?
(24 August 2019)

Im trying no fap but every couple days i get the urge and watch porn and jerk off.
(24 August 2019)

True or False? Rape should exclusively be defined as a male who put his genitals inside the vagina without her consent?
(24 August 2019)

No such thing as a male being raped by a female as that is biologically impossible.
(24 August 2019)

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