Thursday 8 August 2019

Le G20 est-il une bande ou un trio?

Le G20 est-il une bande ou un trio? [Image]Hou la la![image2][image3]Pas besoin de langage corporel intrépide ici!Le G20 est-il une bande ou un trio?_ Mariella:How do i force my son to get a girlfriend?(1 August 2019) Lilia:How can you tell if your pregnant if you no longer have a period due to being on an IUD?(1 August [...]

She says she's going out with girlfriends, and that I should be happy that her pubic hair is gone, because it looks better.
(5 August 2019)

I told my husband I forgave the people who killed our son in Iraq and he thought I was crazy. What do you think? Am I?
(5 August 2019)

But he would want me go on... that's what I think.
(5 August 2019)

I miss my son every day of the year and I will never forget what they've done.
(5 August 2019)

Forgiving doesn't mean I will forget.
(5 August 2019)

Maybe I am but I still think forgiving the people who killed him helped me move forward.
(5 August 2019)

So one day I was talking to my husband about this and he looked at me as if I was crazy.
(5 August 2019)

Then I started to think that my son would want me to move forward in life.
(5 August 2019)

It would still not bring my son back.
(5 August 2019)

The anger was killing me..I used to picture how good it would be to get revenge on those people,I hated Muslims,I secretly wished we would bomb those people with an atomic bomb.
(5 August 2019)

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