Saturday 10 August 2019

Love your life…

Saw this and it stuck with me today…[image]No more fucking around… Good night!_ Kira:Theyre not going to help but will also interfere for you to support yourself.(4 August 2019) Joanie:Should i go ahead and file for a divorce?(4 August 2019) Joanie:He keep saying he going to try to make it hell for me.(4 August 2019) Joanie:I told him he [...]

So He saw that I was holding a ball and He told me to take another ball as it was heavy, and I didn t even ask for help yet He offered to play my game when it was my turn to bowl?
(8 August 2019)

Today our class had bowling and this guy went at the same time as me to bowl but different lanes.
(8 August 2019)

My Twin flame is a Married cheater?
(8 August 2019)

What am I supposed to be getting from this journey if my twin flame is already taken and obviously has a wondering eye?
(8 August 2019)

I went on his social media again and saw that he had taken a liking to another woman and is possibly seeing her and several others (keep in mind he is still married) I guess my question is.
(8 August 2019)

This confirmed to me that the twin flame journey is real.
(8 August 2019)

This lasted months and then all of a sudden I was seeing the repeating numbers all over again. it had been close to a year that we had any contact with each other and all of a sudden he randomly texted me again and I ignored it.
(8 August 2019)

I decided at that time that I no longer believed in this twin flame nonsense and eventually stopped seeing the number patterns and I eventually began to think about him less and less and moved on with my life.
(8 August 2019)

He offered to help me with my book but I think that this was a way for him to get closer to me romantically.
(8 August 2019)

Turns out we have the same calling.He's a published writer and owns a publishing company and I am currently working on my first novel.
(8 August 2019)

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