Sunday 4 August 2019

Spicy, southwestern seasoning

This is my recipe for ’southwestern seasoning’. I cannot call it Mexican, as I feel that it might insult Mexicans. I use it A LOT. This recipe makes a WHOLE LOT, which I keep in air-tight Tupperwar_ Florene:I feel really hurt that he is using this picture.(28 July 2019) Florene:Now I just found out he’s using a [...]

Like today my mom blamed me for the problems at home and im like what this has to do with me you and dad in your 50s.
(2 August 2019)

My parents fight for hours at a time and they insult me.
(2 August 2019)

Should I ask her for HER number?
(2 August 2019)

Should I tell her parents how she's making me feel?
(2 August 2019)

Should I tell her that her friends are not true friends if they'll make fun of her for being friends with me?
(2 August 2019)

What Does My Girlfriends Mom Want to Talk To Me And My Parents About?
(2 August 2019)

My Girlfriend has my name my parents names and phone numbers and I have no idea why she told my girlfriend why we can still date but she wants to talk to me.
(2 August 2019)

Before I turned 15 we were a year apart and we both wanted to see each other and talk to each other a lot about 3 days in she was on top of me making out with me and i was grabbing her buttocks and I got caught by her aunt.
(2 August 2019)

Let me start off with i just turned 15 like a week ago and shes turning 14 in 2 months.
(2 August 2019)

Is she ashamed of having a friend with a disability or something?
(2 August 2019)

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