Sunday 8 September 2019

An emotional day

A few months ago, a pregnant stray cat started hanging around my house. I am a dog person, and though I have always liked cats, grew up with a few, I never owned one as an adult. My dog and this stra_ Hollis:My asian mom makes me wear diapers to school?(1 September 2019) Tabatha:How can I not [...]

My boyfriend ask me if my mom could wax him, what do i do?
(5 September 2019)

PS: I dont know any other professional waxer in my city.
(5 September 2019)

Dont you guys think its a stupid idea?
(5 September 2019)

He never wax that area before but he wants to try it ( he wax himself on the belly, chest and armpits). And he asked me if i could ask my mom if she can wax him, i dont like the idea of my mother seeing my boyfriend naked.
(5 September 2019)

So my mom is a professional waxer and my boyfriend wants to wax his pubic hair.
(5 September 2019)

My boyfriend is 16 and i am 16 as well.
(5 September 2019)

Mad at me???
(5 September 2019)

Did I hurt her feelings, played a joke to hard, or just leaving without anything else make her mad?
(5 September 2019)

We eventually hugged each other and while getting out the car she didnt say anything with a mad face, even when she came back to get her keys.
(5 September 2019)

Suddenly her body language changed; instead of facing me she began to face forward, held a mad face, sat up straight facing the window and only looked at me when I mentioned that joke.
(5 September 2019)

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