Monday 16 September 2019

Julie and Cindy showing their asses.

My two Utah Friends For Fun. group friends Julie and Cindy were goofing around naked in the backyard and I got their two nice ass views with my phone._ Theda:I’m just in a depressed, short tempered trance of doing nothing productive for days, except for thinking about my ex and fun highschool days.(11 September 2019) Theda:Anyway I’ve [...]

Even one week notice isn't good enough by societal standards.
(13 September 2019)

Some might not like their job and want to be done now.
(13 September 2019)

Does being more attractive make a difference in life?
(13 September 2019)

I did get some male interest, so I maybe it means that everyone has different idea of if beauty, since not everyone trying to marry or date the same person.
(13 September 2019)

I wonder if being more attractive make a difference in person life.
(13 September 2019)

People call me pretty and I do consider myself pretty, but I always see people more attractive than me.
(13 September 2019)

Girls, if your boyfriend told you he wanted to go to Europe and going to go, how would you react?
(13 September 2019)

And if he went anyway, would you make sure you blow up social media about how much of a d-bag he is that he didn't take you to Europe?
(13 September 2019)

Would you make him stay home until he could afford your ticket?
(13 September 2019)

What if he didn't want to pay for you or couldn't afford to pay for you?
(13 September 2019)

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