Saturday 21 September 2019

Looking back at my life

Up until my early 60’s,i use to love going clubbing,dancing,letting my hair down,as i do not go clubbing anymore though i do love dancing,i do miss the many opportunities to get on dance floor,the_ Lelah:Sprint has caller ID and this person was clueless of what that was.(17 September 2019) Lelah:She has been contacted by bots perhaps and [...]

This girl I've been talking to that I really like hasnt been responding to my texts answering my calls or returning any of my calls , she just abruptly stopped answering.
(18 September 2019)

What do you expect from your future spouse?
(18 September 2019)

Should I ask him out? haven't seen him in weeks. I just want sex honestly. He did show interests in me several times before. Is it to late?
(18 September 2019)

This guy I know would put his hand on my thigh when we were sitting alone together.
(18 September 2019)

And they ignore me and just look at me like i'm a ghost.
(18 September 2019)

I'm not trying to hit on them, I'm just saying hey, how are you today?
(18 September 2019)

In high school, girls my age would avoid eye contact with me and avoid speaking to me, but older girls would hit on me and ask me on dates Like I don't understand how being polite and saying hello back to me is so difficult?
(18 September 2019)

Why do women my own age have trouble having conversations with me and avoid greeting me when I greet them?
(18 September 2019)

Yet women who are younger than me (in undergrad) and older than me typically always talk to me nonstop and always greet me with a smile and even a hug.
(18 September 2019)

I'm 25 in graduate school and a lot of women in my classes when I say hello to them, they just look at me with like they've seen a ghost or look down or at their phone.
(18 September 2019)

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