Thursday 5 September 2019

Mojo found in solitude of resort…….

When we packed for our vacation, we packed three toys with anticipation of some fun time. It was the Mrs. idea! [image]We purchased batteries after arriving at our first destination! Two days later, w_ Renda:I had sex 10 days before my period was due which was the 23rd of August.(28 August 2019) Meghann:How do i deal with [...]

Because they always invite me when their other family members are there, just not when his sister is there.
(2 September 2019)

That's it about how they're trying to make it her week and only family time.
(2 September 2019)

He said it's not about his sister not liking me.
(2 September 2019)

He also takes forever to text back or goes to his room when I call him when his sister is there.
(2 September 2019)

But he went out with his sister which I found out on social media.
(2 September 2019)

He just said he wasn't feeling it because it was raining.
(2 September 2019)

He didn't say it was because of his sister.
(2 September 2019)

But his sister came again this week and he again flaked on our labor day plans.
(2 September 2019)

They always let me sleepover their house.
(2 September 2019)

Ever since then his parents have always welcomed me.
(2 September 2019)

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