Sunday 1 September 2019


First summer had Strawberries Yummy pies, sundaes,strawberries and cream…NATIONAL RASPBERRY CREAM PIE DAY welcomes AugustFUN FACT: Raspberries and strawberries are members of the rose family. A Ra_ Chassidy:Her father is not a good man and gave away his rights to her so he never had to pay child support.(31 August 2019) Chassidy:She is my biological daughter but [...]

My mom keeps buying me the wrong thing and I can't tell her because it'll hurt her feelings but she keeps buying me more and more of the wrong thing I have to say something or else she'll keep doing it.
(29 August 2019)

Should I find another hair salon?
(29 August 2019)

I would tell her mom how she makes me feel the next time I get my hair done, but my parents told me not to.
(29 August 2019)

She always makes me feel left out and hurt, and I want to stop being friends with her.
(29 August 2019)

I ALWAYS see pictures of her hanging out with her other friends, and it hurts because i'm never in those pictures AND they're all going off and having fun without me.
(29 August 2019)

She ALWAYS says how i'm her best friend and BFF, so she's not just an acquaintance, but she doesn't treat me like a best friend or BFF otherwise.
(29 August 2019)

I've been friends with her since we were freshmen in high school. but I have never been to her house or gone anywhere with her.
(29 August 2019)

She also hasn't talked to me since we graduated high school.
(29 August 2019)

The thing is, Kristen has never been a really good friend.
(29 August 2019)

My hair always comes out really nice at this salon.
(29 August 2019)

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