Saturday 28 September 2019

So Me…

[image]xoxoHarley_ Bok:Like King Buthold, ruler of the Saxonite tribe of Britthonland.(26 September 2019) Yer:What does it mean when a girl looks back at a guy?(26 September 2019) Yer:I know I sound super weird but does it mean she likes him?(26 September 2019) Yer:She was laughing when he was talking to them.(26 September 2019) Yer:My crush looked back at him and [...]

So what is the best way to do this?
(25 September 2019)

For women who are very into social media, do you NOT look up your ex's new partners every once in awhile?
(25 September 2019)

I have a friend that says all women who are very into social media stalk their exes and their new partners online.
(25 September 2019)

I still love my ex, should I try to avoid him?
(25 September 2019)

He had shown signs like giving me stuff but i'm still not sre.
(25 September 2019)

I don't know if he still loves me.
(25 September 2019)

Pls help father left and mom is single?
(25 September 2019)

Am I being realistic to bond with this person via the internet?
(25 September 2019)

I really want to get to know this guy as I like him a lot more than any of the guys i'm talking to on grindr or tinder that live in my area.
(25 September 2019)

The only issue is that I live in the DC area and he lives in the U.K.
(25 September 2019)

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