Sunday 8 September 2019

things I can’t tell the wife…

so…I have to tell someone, but I can’t tell the wife.1. I found a black widow spider on the pool equipment.2. A giant wasp just flew in to the barn. It was nearly 2inches long. (I flew out just_ Wynell:I’m always faithful but i usually argue with him alot since im bipolar its sometimes hard to [...]

However I recently confirmed she's been snooping through my room (a spare room I stay in on her house) and stealing from me.
(5 September 2019)

She is even letting me stay w her for no charge and helping letting me use her car and loaning me money since I had a house fire and my husband left me as I get back on my feet.
(5 September 2019)

I alway knew we'd practically kill for eachother.
(5 September 2019)

We've supported eachother and been sooo close since we were kids.
(5 September 2019)

My best friend of 20 years is like a sister to me.
(5 September 2019)

Why would you race mix knowing the problems that it causes?
(5 September 2019)

I just wanted to say: do not race mix.
(5 September 2019)

Being a mixed race kid, I look in the mirror and see two kind of persons, fighting to be dominant in my appearence.
(5 September 2019)

I am of European ancestry but no European would see me as one because I look different.
(5 September 2019)

I have identity problems and don't know which group I belong to.
(5 September 2019)

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