Saturday 28 September 2019

Yesterday in a gay sauna

I don’t consider myself a gay person. I love women most of all. But, I also worship cocks. I visited several gay saunas, mostly when I was on a business trip, and far away from the place where I l_ Angla:He looks like a bobblehead shaking from side to side.(26 September 2019) Angla:He doesn’t have an appointment [...]

I am feeling a little lost here and don't know where to go. . .
(25 September 2019)

Is this girl blocking me simply a setback regarding my manifestation to meet her or is it something else?
(25 September 2019)

I have autism and I would never try to force this to happen.
(25 September 2019)

However, I have asked the universe for the opportunity to meet her in person and read that this may be a good thing regarding my wish.
(25 September 2019)

I tried to make my desire known to my friends on Facebook, but she got word somehow and she blocked me.
(25 September 2019)

She and I live in different towns.
(25 September 2019)

I have had a crush on a specific girl for a while now that I've never met in person, but I have desired to meet her for a long time.
(25 September 2019)

My life is out of control now that my controlling wife isn't trying to control it anymore (besides chores-wise), I'm in culture shock. Help?
(25 September 2019)

I mean obviously keep up with my hygiene, but the dinners she makes are crap now and I've been putting on weight rapidly for over a year now.
(25 September 2019)

And now, nothing... Trust me, I don't miss it, but I don't know what my options are now that I'm not being controlled.
(25 September 2019)

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