Wednesday 9 October 2019

…In Which Ginger Discusses Erect Things And Soju

[image]Nothing like a picture of a giant erection to bring all the dick pics running to my yard…So, readers, as you can see, I’ve been in New York City. Just for fun, I took this interesting sh_ Theola:I’m not sure if that makes sense lol, but basically I’ve been told that guys only go for girls [...]

I didn't stand up to her when I should have.
(5 October 2019)

I'm angry but it's my fault too.
(5 October 2019)

She pokes fun at people and laughs when we cry.
(5 October 2019)

They used to call his phone all the time and now they have stopped talking to him.
(5 October 2019)

She talks to his girlfriend's mom and tries to make his girlfriend's mom hate my brother so they stop talking to him.
(5 October 2019)

He can't say no to what she says and she demands disgusting unreasonable thing.
(5 October 2019)

I believe my mom is a narcissist or has borderline personality disorder or narcissitc personality disorder.
(5 October 2019)

He's special ed, he can't help himself.
(5 October 2019)

How do you determine if you're in a relationship with a girl you have been hooking up with?
(5 October 2019)

So when you're with a girl, and to your knowledge the two of you are just a hook up, than what are things you can look for to determine if she sees it as more than just a casual hookup?
(5 October 2019)

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