Wednesday 23 October 2019

need help

I want to ask some married couples their opinion on my situation and what they would do. Question #1- I care for my wife but I am not in love with her, I do love her but not as a husband should love_ Sueann:What should I have done different?(19 October 2019) Sueann:She still cares about me, It’s [...]

So do you agree with putting kids in programs like this?
(20 October 2019)

My reasons are because for one kids need to have structure in their life, even as they get older and besides that it can also be useful in keeping older kids out of trouble but I also believe that this should be a program that they would enjoy.
(20 October 2019)

As for the question well to be honest, yes I definitely think that kids and teens should be in free programs outside of school such as 4h or special olympics if the parents can't afford extracurricular activities.
(20 October 2019)

I've seen so many kids these days and especially teens who are either addicted or way too attached to their electronics despite the fact that things like special olympics and 4h exist.
(20 October 2019)

How often should married people have sex? I'm in a sexless marriage?
(20 October 2019)

Divorce is expensive so is it wrong to find love on the side considering she threw our marriage away first?
(20 October 2019)

Which means she'll use the kids to punish me.
(20 October 2019)

My wife has refused sex with me for over 2 years and says if I leave she'll make my life hell.
(20 October 2019)

My husband only saves my naked pictures?
(20 October 2019)

Me and my husband send snapchats to each other a lot but he ONLY saves the naked ones without my face.
(20 October 2019)

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