Thursday 24 October 2019

Penis Anatomy

Posting this so that the pics on my previous post just may stay put??? It’s worth a try!_ Vickey:To be honest, If i was 25 and he was 20, I wouldn’t care.(20 October 2019) Earnestine:What does Coincidence mean?(20 October 2019) Cruz:Do guys like cleft chins on girls?(20 October 2019) Sharron:My cursh knows I am jealous of his female friend [...]

So last night my brother and I went to a concert.
(21 October 2019)

Crushes are weird?
(21 October 2019)

Am I foolish or Dumb for still having feelings. i'm not trying to get her i'm just trying to figure out my feelings.
(21 October 2019)

She has rejected me twice but even after that i still have feelings.
(21 October 2019)

I have a crush on this girl and I've had this crush for almost a year and a half.
(21 October 2019)

Why are women so catty?
(21 October 2019)

As a female I've tried nothing but be a good friend but they can be so competitive it gets annoying.
(21 October 2019)

Are Southern (US) girls more into guys than girls in NY, for instance?
(21 October 2019)

I noticed girls checking me out much more in Austin than they ever do in NY where I live.
(21 October 2019)

How to eat a Juul?
(21 October 2019)

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