Tuesday 8 October 2019

Three Hurricanes on the Prowl

Thoughts and prayers for all who are in the path of these storms, or who are recovering from Harvey. More importantly, we all should find a meaningful way to give. Be certain to check your charity b_ Myrtie:We were outside with my fiancee and her younger sister.(28 September 2019) Ebony:How to get a white boyfriend as an [...]

Should I kill myself if I don't like the atmosphere or stepping foot outside?
(3 October 2019)

That is technically part of the same atmosphere or enough like it.
(3 October 2019)

And don't tell me just to stay inside for the rest of my life.
(3 October 2019)

Why do so many girls on instagram and dating sites post pictures of themselves posing like some version of Billy Eilish or Lana Del Rey?
(3 October 2019)

They also have the highest rates of STDs including HIV.
(3 October 2019)

Black men, statistically, commit more crime, have more unemployment, are worse fathers, die younger, are more abusive, less educated, and are universally seen as less attractive than white men.
(3 October 2019)

My crush offered me his jacket because it was cold outside?
(3 October 2019)

Is offering a jacket a kind thing to do or is it something you do if you like someone?
(3 October 2019)

Is 27 too young or is it far more older then what it actually is anticipated?
(3 October 2019)

I didn't say middle aged cause I know that more like 40 but closer to middle age?
(3 October 2019)

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