Sunday 17 November 2019

A Question For The Men But Women Can Respond Too!!!

[image]What do you think men of blogland?Women do you like scratch a man’s back?_ Ernestina:Recently another guy friend of mine began manipulating me when I told him about my abusive dad ,he began steering conversation to se.x . Men often become friends with me only to sleep but not have real relationship.(9 November 2019) Ernestina:He is breaking [...]

Is asking to touch a male friend's body while he's nude too much to ask if you don't want to do anything sexual like sex, oral or a handjob?
(14 November 2019)

I haven't seen the male form nude in person before or even touched a guy much but I am curious about what it looks like & feels like in person.
(14 November 2019)

Which name do you prefer Jack Timothy , Ryan Timothy, Chrstopher Timothy or Jason Timothy?
(14 November 2019)

Please pick one and suggestions are more then welcome.
(14 November 2019)

Timothy has to stay and as a middle name.
(14 November 2019)

My sister is a stripper!?
(14 November 2019)

Should i ask my dream girl to break up with her boyfriend and date me? (I think she's into me)?
(14 November 2019)

We're seniors in highschool now and shes gotta a boyfriend that is a model and hes older and shes like in love with him. but today in gym class she was really showing affection. i think she wants me but she could get so tangled up with her boyfriend.
(14 November 2019)

How many men do you think are closet misagynists?
(14 November 2019)

My boyfriend has better body then me?
(14 November 2019)

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