Thursday 21 November 2019

Body, remember…

Body, remember not only how much you were loved,not only the beds on which you lay,but also those desires for youthat glowed plainly in the eyes,and trembled in the voice—and somechance obstacle mad_ Soon:Do you agree it is okay to bad as long as you use it for good?(16 November 2019) Soon:Referencing to our Intelligence like MI6 [...]

And without making an infected embero or fetus?
(18 November 2019)

Can I get her pregnant without getting her infected?
(18 November 2019)

And is there bacteria from her anus that I should worry about?
(18 November 2019)

Do you think these girls regret wearing sexy clothes today?
(18 November 2019)

Maybe if they looked frumpy, he would not have been tempted to take these ladies with him.
(18 November 2019)

Any parents who have given their child a unique name (or a common name with a different spelling) regret it?
(18 November 2019)

Do you ever look back and wish you would have given them a more common name with an easier spelling?
(18 November 2019)

Have they been irritated because no one knows how to pronounce or spell their name?
(18 November 2019)

Has your kid been made fun of by the name?
(18 November 2019)

Did this guy add me on instagram because he is interested or just by suggestion?
(18 November 2019)

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