Tuesday 12 November 2019

Letfover Photos

When it comes to my lunches and suppers Friday is my leftover of the leftovers day. When it comes to photos it seems that today (a Saturday) is the leftover day._ Danuta:I am entitled to other people’s business.(2 November 2019) Danuta:I found the 2 older girls in which they referred to the new wife as their mother [...]

How do I tell this little girl that she cant be my girlfriend because obviously she's a little kid and I'm an adult?
(8 November 2019)

And I hang out with a buddy of mine every now and again and he has a 7 year old sister that has a crush on me.
(8 November 2019)

Ok so I'm an adult man (21 years) and I have Asperger's Syndrome.
(8 November 2019)

How do I have the fun like my dad did?
(8 November 2019)

My dad keeps calling me a virgen what do?
(8 November 2019)

My parents kidnapped me from my loved ones as a child.Was this a crime or was it legal because they were my parents even though it was wrong?
(8 November 2019)

My siblings were kidnapped by them also.
(8 November 2019)

It ruined my childhood, they (my parents) ruined my childhood.
(8 November 2019)

They were mad at my Mom's family so they kidnapped me from them and used me as a pawn to make a statement.
(8 November 2019)

How do I prevent my sister from spreading lies about me?
(8 November 2019)

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