Wednesday 17 June 2020

It is Finished!

Signed the papers a few hours ago. Now it just has to go sit on a judge’s desk till it gets signed. I found out i don’t have to pay extra to go back to using my original name. Super hyped abou_ Miguelina:In 24 hours in a day, I stand up or walk around for typically [...]

Some lines were crossed and such, but I think we can get past it with work.
(14 June 2020)

Keeping up with him isn't hard thanks to social media.
(14 June 2020)

I reach out to him and he was married, separated married and now separated.
(14 June 2020)

Some misunderstandings happened over Facebook about how I posted somethings I didn't like and we stopped talking for years.
(14 June 2020)

We met again about 2 years later.
(14 June 2020)

We got a room talked got to know each other and then did our thing.
(14 June 2020)

So I met this guy around 2010 we were 40 miles apart, but had transportation.
(14 June 2020)

Can I reach out to family members on my own?
(14 June 2020)

Lol I just want to meet other people in my family ?
(14 June 2020)

I have a lot of cousin I know nothing about just because like my parents had problems with their parents but now as an adult I found some on social media and want to reach out and go get food for no reason.
(14 June 2020)

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